Virtual Classes Text

How do I take a class?

We teach our classes via Zoom, so you need a link to join.

How do you get a link?

  • Sign up & check “first class free” box. 
  • Pay & Register per class HERE.  (see also more info below)
  • Sign up for one of our Unlimited Class options: week, monthly, or recurring membership monthly. (see below)
  • Also, many of our Personal Training or Small Group options include classes. 

How do I pay for a class?

You choose:

  • Pay per class. This requires signing up with FreetoBFit in advance to get zoom link emailed to you prior to class. Each class is $15. Sign up HERE.
  • Unlimited Class One Time – Pay one time either weekly or monthly for unlimited classes during that time period. Zoom links will be emailed to you upon receipt of payment.  Weekly passes are $30. Monthly passes are $80. 
  • MONTHLY Unlimited Class Recurring Payment – this is our most popular option. We have three payment amount options for different budget needs $60/80/100. You’ll pay once with option to set up recurring payments, then forget about it – making life easier. Links will be emailed to you monthly. You can cancel at any time.
  • Free classes. In addition, FreetoBFit will always offer a free first class – just ask!

What if I’m on a strict budget?

FreetoBFit is dedicated to offering inclusive and accessible movement, which requires flexible pricing with options for various budgets. If you don’t see an option below that meets your needs, please contact

  • Scholarship Pricing: If you sign up for our recurring monthly unlimited classes, you may choose to pay $60 per month for all the classes you can take.  If you need further assistance, please reach out.

I’d like to contribute to your scholarship pricing, is that possible?

FreetoBFit is dedicated to offering inclusive and accessible movement, which requires flexible pricing with options for various budgets. That also means we have an amazing community that often is able to give extra to help others. 

  • Contributor Pricing: If you have a bit more wiggle room in your budget, you may choose to pay $100 per month for our Unlimited Monthly classes with recurring option. The extra $20 you pay goes toward someone who opted for scholarship pricing.

What are the classes like?

Our classes are open to all levels of movement and are varied by instructor and format. We have music driven classes, dance, cardio, strength, etc. Classes with a mindful approach, some that are more mobility focused. We crave variety and hope you find something that fits your needs.

Who are the instructors?

Kris and Lara are FreetoBFit’s trainers and cofounders. Our guest instructors currently are Helen & Alicia, two awesome movers with tons of experience. Are you an instructor looking for a body positive home? Reach out to kris@freetobift.comInstructor Bios

Anything I need to do before taking a class?

Yes! Best to be prepared for virtual learning – here’s some steps to take. 

  • Fill out our movement waiver HERE. 
  • Create a space to move. Most classes don’t require much space more than about the size of a yoga mat. 
  • Speaking of yoga mats… do you have one to use for class? Or any props/equipment? Have them handy. If you don’t have weights at home, think about alternatives. Water bottles filled with sand, canned goods, a backpack weighted down, a book or two. 
  • Make sure you have access to the internet, zoom, that you can see your screen & hear the instructor. If you want feedback, keep your video on & make sure we can see you. Some classes are more feedback structured than others. 

Fill out Waiver

Does FreetoBFit offer pre-recorded classes/videos?

We sure do! Goto our Patreon page for options. We offer many tiers of videos, classes, discount codes and more! Join our Patreon

I have a class format/day/time request – do you want to hear about it?

We’d love to hear your ideas! Email

I’m not sure where to begin – help!

We would be happy to set up a quick virtual chat to help guide you into movement with FreetoBFit – email to set it up. Sign-up and we’ll contact you right away.

What if I have more questions?

Surprisingly, we would be happy to answer them! Email